Links I love : February 2017 Part 2

links I love Paris @rebeccaplotnick

First off in case you missed it, there is a crazy flight sale for flights from the US to Paris. I just booked a flight for Spring for $400 round trip on British Airways. For the full story read here

This is a Provence Playlist from Anne Street Studio but can be used whenever! I love having music playing in the house and prefer it over the TV as background noise. 

Last week my friend Leyla of Second City Mom posted this about decluttering your house and it literally got me moving and emptying my closet and dresser drawers. It’s amazing how much you buy and what you actually wear. I will be sharing more about this in an upcoming post! 

For those of you thinking Valentine’s Day I love these Rosé all day gummies. They sit on my desk and disappear too quickly to admit! 


Recently I cut bangs and I can’t wait to show you the photos and how much I am loving them. I have been working with a fabulous team of stylist in Chicago that has encouraged me to wash less and only condition once a week. I am taking a 30-day challenge and a week in I have only washed my hair twice! You can read it here The Secret to Getting French Hair 

The new look

The new look

Travel in time to a 1930’s dance studio in Paris. This includes an adorable video too

My friend Leah wrote this beautiful article that explains it perfectly, “An American with a French Heart” 

Pieces of Paris in NYC from Whit and Whimsy 

How Parisian Bartenders are bringing Cognac Back to life

10 Amazing Cafés and Restaurants on Rue des Martyrs

A New Underground Bar in Paris serves 1000 different types of Whiskey 

The Best Shopping in Paris

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    • Absolutely! It was beautifully written and I am so happy you allowed me to share it! I am headed back in Spring so let’s make plans for drinks.