My Paris Agenda

my paris agenda everyday parisian

Bonjour from Paris! It took me longer to adjust to the time difference this time around but I am slowly getting there. While most people tell me they envy my job there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of the beautiful photographs. I have an early wakeup call before 8 am to catch the light and I end up working way too late at night. As I write this it is 11:30 pm and I will most likely work until 1 am before calling it a night. I figure I can sleep when I get home or at least attempt to. (we all know I am not the best sleeper)

The weather has been more like Summer weather than mid-October Fall weather. No matter how well I have packed from years of experience, I didn’t pack quite right. My suitcase was heavy on arrival and I have already picked up a few things at the pharmacie.

To be honest, I put a lot of pressure on myself for these trips. The trips to Paris are fully funded by me. My photography is what allows me to return to Paris so often. I save a lot and work hard and do my best to maximize my time here. I try to collect as many photographs as I can for the Print Shop and blog content. I plan out ideas for future blog posts as readers ask questions during the trip and I make notes as I go throughout my travels.

I truly try to make each experience different. Tonight, I was enjoying cheese and wine with my neighbors next door at my Paris Perfect Apartment this evening and they have been to Paris a few times. They explained it best as each trip was a different layer of the city. The first trip is the museums and all the sights and the trips that follow are discovering something new.

I have been to Paris a lot over the last 8 years and I am always trying to make a new experience. This time around I am staying at a few different places. They are in different neighborhoods all around the city which gives me a different perspective. Some are familiar neighborhoods and others are new discoveries.

A lot of readers have been asking for everyday life in Paris when I asked what they wanted to see through my eyes. There are parts that I have seen so many times that they seem normal to me. My goal this trip is to really step back and try to see it for the first time. From cafés to quiet streets and everything in between. I am also challenging myself to put people in my photographs. For years, I have been shooting empty streets. I was always turned away by cars parked on the streets or people passing by. I am trying to see the city differently and the people what makes Paris.

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I am in Paris until next week and I am looking forward to discovering new parts of Paris and seeing Paris for the first time with fresh eyes. If there is something you would love to see from Luxembourg Gardens to the Eiffel Tower please comment below and I will do my best to show you.

Thank you so much for your support with the blog!

my paris agenda everyday parisian

P.S. Don’t miss A Guide to Paris in the Fall and How I Landed My Dream Job

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  1. Thank you so much, I love your blog! I am a huge Francophile, obsessed with French history. I may have to go to Paris by myself for the first time. I was wondering if you can recommend a good book on solo female travel to Paris or any where. I am a little scared to go by myself but my soul is literally being pulled there!! (Sorry if that sounded super cheesy but it’s so true!!)

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    I lived for over a decade near the Parc Monceau and it will forever be my special place… ok one of them.
    I think you would love it. Paris in the fall is so beautiful, enjoy your trip.

    • Hi Christina,

      I plan to be over that way later this week! I will take a stroll through there for you. It is such a beautiful place. Merci! xo

    • Yes! Absolutely! They will all be up as soon as I am back. I have had limited wifi. Thank you for asking 🙂

  3. So pleased to travel along with you. Paris is in my blood. Have you ever done an Eatwith meal? A meal in someone’s home with other guest is a fun evening

  4. How exciting for you to be back in Paris! I would love seeing fashionable Parisian women. As a former fashion model, beautiful, chic clothing continues to be most appealing to me and perhaps it would be to some others as well. Enjoy your time there. ❤

  5. So awesome to push yourself and make it a fresh visit with new challenges. Some cafe / bistro menu pics for the foodie in me please 🙂 Also some of the action on the market streets! I’ve managed to miss the more well known market streets the few times I’ve been as there always seems to be not enough time. And metro pics – weird but I’m fascinated by the metro system and it’s so great for people watching.